Colorado Capoeira Competition

APRIL 19, 2025 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Hosted at Ronin Capoeira

10471 S. Parker Rd., 6a, Parker, CO 80138 (inside jazzercise)

Ronin Capoeira is excited to host the 2025 Colorado Capoeira Competition in conjuntion with UCA and ACVL.

Registration deadline is April 12, 2025.

Register in two easy steps:

Step One: Fill out the registration form and submit for each participant.

Step Two: Pay the Registration Fee for each participant.

Need more information before you register? Scroll to the bottom and read the FAQ

Step One

Please fill out the form below. Each participant will need to fill out their own individual form for participation. After submitting your form, you will be redirected to the payment portal to complete registration, or you can scroll to the bottom to find the registration payment link.

Step Two

Registration Fee: $30 per participant

Each student must first complete the registration form, then pay the registration fee to participate in the event. If you were not redirected to the payment portal after filling out the registration form, click the button below to pay for registration.

Colorado Capoeira Competition 2025


What can I expect at the capoeira competition?

The capoeira competition is an opportunity for students to showcase their hard work and dedication to capoeira by competing in a number of categories based on the students interests and skill set. Parents and participants should plan on attending the entire event.

Who will my child compete with or against?

This competition is open to all Colorado Capoeira students. Students will compete against all other competitors in their chosen category, and categories will be broken up by age where appropriate.

How many categories should my student sign up for?

As many as they want! Registration covers all categories, so they can sign up for one or all competitive categories.

Category Descriptions:

Students can register to compete in any of the following categories, and most categories will be further broken down into age divisions. The competition category descriptions are:

Solo - A thirty second display of the student’s best capoeira. Student will be judged on their technique, style and energy, and flow/repertoire of movements used. Students can pre-plan their solo or improvise.

Duos - Two students from the same capoeira group will play a capoeira game together for thirty seconds. Students will be judged on their technique, style and energy, and their interaction and evolution of their game. Students can pre-plan their duo or improvise.

Trios - Three students will choreograph a one minute display of their best capoeira. This is traditionally done as one sequence all three students follow together, facing the same direction, but creative liberties are welcome. This should be a choreographed, pre-planned routine. Age limit is open (if 3 siblings would like to work together for example), but all three students must come from the same group.

Music - This category will be one student, playing any instrument of choice, and singing any song of choice. They will be judged on expression and axé. All other participants and adults present will assist in singing the chorus of any song the competitor sings. While there is no time limit, participants should understand the goal is to display your best music and build the energy of the song and roda within a reasonable amount of time (1-2 minutes).

Acrobatics - Acrobatic category is a solo category, focused on utilizing your best floreios, flips and tricks in a forty-five second capoeira freestyle. Student is judged on technique, energy and style, and evolution/flow of movements and repertoire of movements used. Student can pre-plan their solo or improvise.

What Is the group roda category?

Each capoeira school will present their own five minute roda, using all students (INCLUDING ADULTS) to perform their best roda. This includes instruments, singing, clapping, and playing capoeira. This does not require registration or payment of those involved, but will still be an adjudicated event.

Who will be judging the competition?

Judges will be capoeira teachers and masters not affiliated with any of the three main groups competing, and will score with rubrics based on technique, style and energy (axé), and interaction, evolution, and utilization of movements.

What are the prizes awarded?

Medals will be awarded to first, second, and third place participants in every category, within every age bracket. Trophies will be awarded to the participants of the group rodas.

Where can I find a schedule of events?

A detailed schedule will be emailed to all participants the week of the event, including when possible the participants in the categories. Please plan on attending the entirety of the event. Following the event and award ceremony, there will be food, festa, and roda at the home of Azul and Bonzinho for all families and participants to celebrate the event.

I have more questions! Who do I talk to?

If you have questions that aren’t covered here, please speak to your school instructor, or feel free to email Azul at